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27 May 2016

Five For Friday

One more week down and 4 more to go...

My blog got a new look and I am pretty excited about it!
We had book character day in first grade on Wednesday when we shared our fairy tale writings with all the first grade classes.  It was a lot of fun and the students LOVED sharing their work.

The teachers also dressed up in the spirit of book character day and we were all the different characters from the If you Give a.... series.  

I have been working on classroom layouts for next year.  I measured everything during an indoor recess day and now I have all my measurements and am working on different room set ups.  Because I have started this process early enough that I still have school days (...weeks) left, I decided to test them out in my room.  

This is a retelling flower.  I gave this project to my students so I could decorate my hall.  In the center of the flower, they had to write the title of the book they read in class.  Around the pedals, the students retold the story including characters, picture, beginning, then, next, and last.  On the leaves, the students had to write or draw a picture of a connection that they had with the story and explain their favorite part. 
This was a nice review/practice for the students since I haven't been drilling DRA skills during guided reading groups.  You can get this activity at my TPT store for just $1.  
I posted these in my TPT store. These are my June calendar cards and they are making me want to work on my sun tan and eat lots of ice cream!


  1. I love your retelling flowers! Perfect for a hallway display. Good luck with the new room arrangement - I'm in the same boat with rearranging my room so I feel ya there.


    1. Thank you! My students also loved them and they do look adorable in the hallway.
      I just rearranged my room again and I think I have one more time before I get it just right.

  2. You are so smart to be thinking about a new room layout already!! You have motivated me to do the same!! Hope your last few weeks go well for you!!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad that you are thinking about it and will go into next year with a plan in mind.

  3. I am thinking about a new room layout, too... but only because I have to move to a new room! ugh. I have two weeks to go... I'll be thinking about you. Hang in! Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom

  4. I love those retelling flowers! So cute but a really worthwhile writing task as well. They must make the hallway look so colourful.

    I can't believe how organised you are with your room layout! I've never measured and planned... I just spend hours/days dragging furniture around and getting frustrated when it doesn't work. Your idea looks so much more efficient.

    Enjoy your last few weeks of school!

    1. Thank you. This year I was able to plan before the year was out and test them out in my room. I will say having a few options in mind is nice to see what I liked and what I didn't. I have always gone in with a plan but this was the first year i was able to test it out before the beginning of the school year. I am glad to say that I have figures out how I want my room for next year and that will be one less thing that I have to do over the summer or at back to school time.

  5. It's never too early to start thinking about room layouts.. I never thought to actually measure the room - I've always just guessed what will fit. What a great way to save time!
