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07 September 2015

School Supplies

At the Beginning of the Year, the students are required to bring in school supplies to use for the year. This year, we required the students to bring in: 5 plastic folders,tissues, 3 composition notebooks, pencils, felt tip pens, markers, crayons, glue sticks (seems like we NEVER have enough), erasers, scissors, hand sanitizer, and zip lock bags.  Our PTA is amazing and offers a supply pack that includes all of this when the parents pay a certain amount.  I love when parents do this because it is exactly the correct supplies and we get them in our room the week before the students come back so I can label everything ahead of time!
I also ask for extra supplies from my parents like packing tape, snacks, card stock, play dough, extra glue sticks, colored paper, and sticky tack.  I ask for these donations on Meet the Teacher day and at Back to School Night.  I also will ask for them thorughout the year if I need them on signupgenius.com, which I sign up all my parents for and use it throughout the year to contact and scehude meeting with them.
What do you have your students bring in for supplies for the year?

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